247capital #57 | Wartime Edition VII
Portfolio Follow-Up, Quote of the week, Tweets of the week ...
Hi Everyone 👋,
Welcome to the #57 issue of 247capital — your weekly source of Investment Research. If you are new, you can join my email list here or👇🏻
Please hit the heart button ❤️ if you like today’s letter and reply with any feedback.
The follow-up to former Issues
Below you’ll find the overview of all bought shares since Issue 1 and the current state. Please keep in mind we’re here for the long run. 5-10 years horizon at least.
$TAP - bought at $44.95 - Issue 1
Closed the week at $53.86 (up 19.82%)🔥
💰$0.68 dividends
$GEO - bought at $5.79 - Issue 7
Closed the week at $6.40 (up 10.53%)🔥
XTRA:DFV - bought at 12.96€ - Issue 8
Closed the week at 11.70€ (down 9.72%)❄️
READ - bought at 39.25SEK - Issue 12+24
Closed the week at 8.07SEK (down 79.43%)❄️
$HIMS - bought at $8.28 - Issue 12+25
Closed the week at $4.71 (down 43.11%)❄️
THG - bought at 373.50pc - Issue 32+36
Closed the week at 116.25 (down 68.87%)❄️
The current situation in one picture 😆:
Quote of the Week
Long-term investing helps investors compound wealth because it minimises frictional costs and lets you reap the maximum amount of reward from your best ideas.
— Shelby Davis
Tweets of the week

Thanks for reading, and until next Monday,
Sebastian from 247capital