Hi Everyone 👋,
Welcome to the #55 issue of 247capital — your weekly 😆 source of Investment Research. If you are new, you can join my email list here or👇🏻
Please hit the heart button ❤️ if you like today’s letter and reply with any feedback.
The follow-up to former Issues
Below you’ll find the overview of all bought shares since Issue 1 and the current state. Please keep in mind we’re here for the long run. 5-10 years horizon at least.
$TAP - bought at $44.95 - Issue 1
Closed the week at $532.81 (up 17.48%)🔥
💰$0.68 dividends
$GEO - bought at $5.79 - Issue 7
Closed the week at $5.94 (up 2.59%)🔥
XTRA:DFV - bought at 12.96€ - Issue 8
Closed the week at 11.90€ (down 8.17%)❄️
READ - bought at 39.25SEK - Issue 12+24
Closed the week at 7.80SEK (down 80.12%)❄️
$HIMS - bought at $8.28 - Issue 12+25
Closed the week at $4.78 (down 42.27%)❄️
THG - bought at 373.50pc - Issue 32+36
Closed the week at 90.16 (down 75.86%)❄️
Stock Brothers - Editor´s note
Dear newsletter subscribers,
In today's newsletter, due to the many inquiries from our readers, I would like to go into my assessment of the current geopolitical situation.
In the past, I have repeatedly addressed the political framework.
Read in the newsletter #6 published on April 05, 2021. So almost exactly a year ago to the day!
Newsletter #16, published on June 15, 2021
Newsletter #20, published on July 13, 2021
To name just three examples.
Topics such as inflation were addressed. Like all central banks, the "concerns of the citizens" before higher inflation as unfounded scaremongering.
At that point, the European Central Bank spoke in an official statement of an inflation target of 2%. At the beginning of the newsletter, it´s stated that our investment horizon is at least 5 to 10 years.
I have been asked about this quite often by various readers.
This means I don't start investing and then keep my fingers crossed for 5 to 10 years and fear, according to the principle of hope.
This means that I have to look at the future at least twice as long as the time horizon, with all the means at my disposal.
Whoever invests money bears the risk and is for his acting responsibly. Investing is not a game. Investing requires a high level of discipline and a high expenditure of time for the areas:
research, balance sheet analysis, opportunity/risk assessment, exchange with experts, travel, annual general meetings, discussions with managing directors, visits to companies in which one is invested to gain an insight into the situation on site, etc.
I aim to offer our readers added value in terms of content. So every subscriber has the opportunity to read reports/articles that were written more than a year ago but whose core statements are still valid.
There is no need to panic about the conflict in Ukraine. I have invested relatively little money in Europe. This is also clear in the analysis of "CLF".
There I expressly write that energy-intensive sectors of the economy in Europe and Germany, in particular, have competitive disadvantages since Germany already had the highest energy prices in the world before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
The high inflation and expensive energy prices were addressed in the newsletter long before. However, none of the so-called media experts spoke of inflation, a war on European soil, or Germany's gas supply problems.
I'm not about praising myself. Instead, I'm working hard for all subscribers to let you know before the masses, or the majority of the population, suddenly and unpreparedly face the harsh reality.
There is no need to panic; stay calm and analyze objectively. That's the best way to sail on stormy seas.
Bye for now, Florian
Quote of the Week
A market downturn doesn't bother us. It is an opportunity to increase our ownership of great companies with great management at good prices.
— Warren Buffett
Tweets of the week

Thanks for reading, and until next Monday,
Sebastian from 247capital